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Store and Fetch Data

Saving to storage is a way to save state on the blockchain. This opens up a lot more possibilities for richer blockchain apps.

There are two ways to save data to the blockchain:

  • dyson/sendMsgCreateStorage - create storage at a new index
  • dyson/sendMsgUpdateStorage - update existing storage

There are three ways to read from storage

  • dyson/QueryStorage - Retreave a single storage at the index
  • dyson/QueryPrefixStorage - List all storage with an index that starts with a prefix
  • dyson/QueryStorageAll - List all storage on the chain
Access Control

This line prevents anyone from running your function except you. You will see this used in the examples below.

assert SCRIPT_ADDRESS == CALLER, "not allowed"


This code defines a function called create that takes in three parameters: index, data, and force. The function first checks if the value of SCRIPT_ADDRESS is equal to the value of CALLER. If it is not equal, the function raises AssertionError('not allowed'). If the assertion passes, the function calls the _chain function from the dys module. If force=True it will never raise an exception and will always write to the index regardless of any existing data or not.

from dys import _chain, SCRIPT_ADDRESS, CALLER

def create(index: str, data: str, force: bool):
assert SCRIPT_ADDRESS == CALLER, "not allowed"
return _chain(
index=SCRIPT_ADDRESS + "/" + index,


This example defines two functions, get and list, that interact with a storage system using the _chain function.

The get function takes in a parameter index which is a string. It then constructs a storage query by calling _chain with the dyson/QueryStorage method and passing in the index with the SCRIPT_ADDRESS concatenated to it.

See also:

def get(index: str):
return _chain(
index=SCRIPT_ADDRESS + "/" + index,

The list function takes in a parameter prefix which is also a string. It constructs a storage query by calling _chain with the "dyson/QueryPrefixStorage" method and passing in the prefix with the SCRIPT_ADDRESS concatenated to it.

See also:

def list(prefex: str):
return _chain("dyson/QueryPrefixStorage", prefix=SCRIPT_ADDRESS + "/" + prefex)

Both of these example functions return the result of the _chain function call.


This will update an existing Storage object at the given index or will return an error if it is not there.

If force=True it will never raise an exception and will always write to the index.

def update(index: str, data: str, force: bool):
assert SCRIPT_ADDRESS == CALLER, "not allowed"
return _chain(
index=SCRIPT_ADDRESS + "/" + index,
force=force, # set to True to always write to this index


This will delete an existing Storage object at the given index or will return an error if it is not there.

def delete(index: str):
assert SCRIPT_ADDRESS == CALLER, "not allowed"
return _chain(
index=SCRIPT_ADDRESS + "/" + index,