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Schedule Function Runs

The Dyson Protocol empowers developers by providing an innovative feature: scheduling functions to run at a future block. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use this feature:

  1. Write your function: The first step is to define the operation you want to execute at a specific block height in the future.

  2. Query the function to estimate the gas price: This will give you a rough idea of how much gas your function might need.

    Query Function

  3. Click 'Schedule': You'll find this option in the Dyson Protocol interface.

  4. Set the block or time for the function to run: You can specify an absolute block, a relative block delta, or an absolute or relative time.

  5. Specify the amount of gas your function will need: Use the estimated gas price obtained earlier, and add a safe margin.

  6. Click 'Schedule [function name]' and sign the transactions: This will set your function to run at the specified block.

  7. Wait for the transaction confirmation: Once successful, there will be a link to the results.

    Schedule Function

  8. Review the results and logs after the function has run: These details will be updated automatically once the function has executed.

    Pending Transaction

    Function Ran

With these steps, you can effectively schedule your functions to run at a future block using the Dyson Protocol. Happy coding!