Register a Dyson Protocol Name
What are Names?
See the page Dys Names for background and technical details.
Option 1: The UI way to register a name
Simply use the web interface to register your name:
- Choose your name
- Decide on a price you would be willing to sell it for. This will be used to calculate the registration fee on step 3
- Click "Register Name", you will pay 1% of your sell price now. 2 transaction will need to be signed.
- If it was ucsscessful, you can click the link and see your name details
Option 2: The programatic way to register a name
Save the code to your script
Copy this code to your Script and save it.
from dys import _chain, SCRIPT_ADDRESS, get_caller
def _register_commit(name: str, price: str, salt: str):
Step 1 in the Commit/Reveal process
# ensure the "price" is denominated in "dys"
if not price.endswith("dys"):
price += "dys"
# This is a helper query as a refrence hash implementation.
# To be secure, the commit hash should be generated off-line and the name
# kept private until the reveal step.
commit_response = _chain(
"names/QueryGenerateCommit", owner=SCRIPT_ADDRESS, name=name, salt=salt
print(f"commit_response: {commit_response}")
assert not commit_response["error"], commit_response["error"]
register_response = _chain(
print(f"register_response: {register_response}")
assert not register_response["error"], register_response["error"]
def _reveal_commit(name: str, salt: str):
Step 2 in the Commit/Reveal process
reveal_response = _chain(
"names/sendMsgReveal", name=name, owner=SCRIPT_ADDRESS, salt=salt
print(f"reveal_response: {reveal_response}")
assert not reveal_response["error"], reveal_response["error"]
# this can be a public function as it only has read only commands
def query_name(name: str):
return _chain("names/QueryName", name=name)
def register_name(name: str, price: str):
"""Register you name and set the buy price"""
assert get_caller() == SCRIPT_ADDRESS, f"forbidden, you are not {SCRIPT_ADDRESS}"
# This should be randomly generated off-chain
salt = "12341234"
# this is a demo of the "commit reveal" pattern.
# In practice, generating the commit hash
# should be done offline to prevent front-running.
_register_commit(name, price, salt)
# Now reveal that we knew the name and salt that made the commit
_reveal_commit(name, salt)
def app(environ, start_response):
start_response("200 ok", [("Content-type", "text/plain")])
return [f"Hello from Dyson Protocol! {SCRIPT_ADDRESS}".encode()]
Run the "Register name" function
You should always "Query" a function before "Running" it. You will get the estimated amount of gas that is used and see any errors in the response.
You will save a lot of time and gas by testing functions with "Query" first.
Out of Gas
If you get the error MemoryError('Out of Gas')
, you can either simply run the function again and it will automatically adjust the gas used. Or you can manually increase the gas in Keplr when signing.